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Curriculum Definitions

A professional dedicated to helping their colleagues increase their knowledge, performance and skills by offering expert advice; who is driven by a passion to accept and give quality feedback.

Quality Feedback aligns with Kadushin’s educational component. The intent of Quality Feedback is to help employees improve their job performance, competence, and increase their confidence.  Quality Feedback also includes aspects of Kadushin’s supportive component. It is critical that while the supervisor provides balanced feedback, that he/she also demonstrates concern and empathy for the employee.

Organizational change is the process by which an organization transitions from its current state to an envisioned state to improve its effectiveness and outcomes.

A personally meaningful plan that is created to have a direct effect on the individual’s ability to produce positive outcomes and results.

Advancing Relationships is to move forward in a purposeful way with the intentions of connecting with another individual on a more profound level.

Formal Supervision is a two-way process that enables both supervisors and supervisees to meet one-on-one in a confidential setting. This session allows the supervisor to engage in discussion with their supervisee about practice and administrative issues, needed support, positive feedback and performance issues, review of performance goals, the need for additional professional development, and to share and receive pertinent information.

The formal supervision session should occur on a regular basis and focus on providing support and approaches that increase the employee’s confidence, knowledge, and skills, while also holding the employee accountable for effectively carrying out their job responsibilities. The supervisor should employ Kadushin’s Model of Supervision to guide their supervisory sessions.